Calmy Jane

GG Bobo

This is the second GG Allin Sticker I made (that’s enough I think), I just loved the joke and it’s a tribute to @bobojugend, an artist from Berlin who does several stickers with DJ Bobo photoshopped on them.


A giant LabVIEW Project that uses a myRIO (RaspberryPi on Steroids) to generate the actual low-level signal for a VGA-monitor. There are no graphics libraries involved, everything has been implemented low-level on LabVIEW FPGA and LabVIEW Real-Time. There are currently 4 different games that all also have been developed in LabVIEW from scratch. This was …

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After programming my MicroGranny Organicer for my MicroGranny Sampler, I was using that for a while to play samples during our live sessions. But after a while I stumbled over this beautiful device, the PiBoy DMG. This is a case for a RaspberryPi that looks and feels like an original gameboy with some extra buttons …

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Midi Hero

This was a huge nerdy music project I built. I took old guitarhero controllers, opened them, removed the original controller and replace it with an arduino that reads all buttons on the controller. It can then convert the button presses into Midi notes. There are many modes and settings, each button on the neck of …

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During the pandemic I started getting into the YuGiOh card game, and played a lot of goat format online. That lead to the idea for  YuGiOh themed sticker.